Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Is Cryptocurrency Good for Your Business - 7 Reasons You Should Consider Crypto Development

Go with Digital Currency as it’s the Future of Money!

In the era of digital currencies, the global economy is inevitably moving towards a completely digital eco-system. Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm by letting businesses effectively use Blockchain. While many businesses are successfully embracing the new kid on the block, many are still skeptical as to whether consider Crypto development.

Well! Before we go any further, let’s understand a bit about Cryptocurrency…

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed with cryptographic protocols that make transactions fast, secure, and extremely difficult to fake. It works as a secure medium of exchange as it uses strong cryptography during financial transactions. Though Crypto is a currency, it’s not like other forms as it makes use of decentralized control.  In simple words, it is a type of virtual money that serves as ordinary money but has no physical counterparts.

7 Reasons You Should Consider Crypto Development

When it comes to Cryptocurrency, the decision to get involved can be challenging for both individuals and businesses. However, the following points can help you figure out whether to go for it or not…

1. Entirely Owned by Account Holder – With Cryptocurrency, you are the owner of your account which means that your digital currency is in your hands and the account cannot be put on hold or shut down.

2. Fraud-Proof – All confirmed transactions are stored in a public ledger and all coin owners’ identities are encrypted that ensures no fraudulent activities or third party control over it.

3. No Identity Theft – The Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are encrypted and the coins used are owned by the current spender that makes the entity void of fraud. 

4. Accessible – With the entire world going digital and billions of people accessing the Internet, Cryptocurrency is accessible and can be purchased by anyone who has an Internet connection.

5. Instant Money Transfers – All it needs to make payments and money transfers is a smart device and an internet connection and you are all set to use Cryptocurrency and be a part of digitalization.

6. Can’t Be Taken by Governments – The strong encryption techniques are employed throughout the ledger that makes it impossible for the government to own it as there’s no way to use an account without both the private & public keys.

7. Global Currency – The currency can be used by anyone who has an Internet connection that makes it easier for businesses with lots of overseas customers and suppliers to manage money transfers.

If you want to enjoy all the benefits that Cryptocurrency offers, find a reliable Crypto Development Company India. The platforms like emilence.com can help you make the best use of the latest technologies…

Monday, 9 March 2020

How Blockchain Can Help Take Your Business to the Next Level

Blockchain Development Experts India – Creating Future!

Blockchain technology is rapidly gaining attraction because it’s time to speed up the business game. This game-changing technology creates a transparent ecosystem where people around the globe can trust the digital platform. It offers a decentralized platform that businesses can use to integrate with their business operations and make everything more efficient and effective.

A bit about technology…

A Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger allowing saving transactions on thousands of computers around the world. Technology increases security and efficiency while exchanging the information. It simply means that the technology offers the dual benefit of security and transparency.

Blockchain is formed by a network of computers acting as nodes that combine the data into Blocks, this block is then added into a ledger forming a chain.

Are you still in bewilderment? Do you want to know how Blockchain can benefit your business? Well! Take a look at the below-mentioned points and gain a better insight:

How Blockchain Can Power up Your Business…

·    As the data structure is append-only and formed by a complicated string of mathematical numbers, it cannot be altered or deleted which means more security.

·    It offers greater transparency as its transaction ledger is open to viewing which adds to an unprecedented layer of accountability.

·   It removes the need for middlemen in processes like payments and real estate by facilitating faster transactions with a digital currency.

·  Each new transaction is encrypted as well as linked to the previous one which means better security at every level.

·    Each time a transaction is recorded, an audit trail traces the exchange of goods which increases the security and prevents fraud.

·     The technology reduces or eliminates counterpart risks with the removal of a third party and it also saves you money.

·    It assures quality by finding out any irregularities along the supply chain and taking you to its origin point.

·  Security in a blockchain system increases as the data inside it increases which is a huge benefit as your organization grows.

 Looking for Blockchain development experts in India? Visit us and we can help you leverage the benefits of the technology that is touted as a key driver of change and the foundation stone for unparalleled development.

The rise of Blockchain as a service in different industries…

The Blockchain technology can be applied to any industry including:

·       Banking
·       Agriculture
·       Retail
·       Transport
·       Healthcare
·       Education
·       E-Commerce
·       Property
·       Mining
·       Logistics
·       Media & Entertainment

Auto motive & more…

The types businesses can use:

·       PublicBlockchain
·       PrivateBlockchain
·       ConsortiumBlockchain

Hybrid Blockchain

Be a part of this change and take your business to the next level, regardless of its type and size…